Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Thanks to my friend Wyatt Johnston and his photo blog (which you should follow!), I realized that I haven't posted anything here since LAST AUGUST!!! That's kind of when the junk hit the fan for a while here in south central Kansas... In that time, I've launched a new website for Glenn Park Christian Church where I work, assisted in implementing a new family focused ministry strategy, completed another 5 modules toward my degree through Tabor College, and am still in the process of breaking in my new favorite youth minister, Seth Taylor.

As I was thinking (sheepishly I might add...) that I really should put something out here, I took a look back at some of the work put into the classes I've been taking. One of the assignments we were given was to write out our faith story. Call it a testimony if you wish, but I think the idea of a faith story is much more appropriate. Below you will find just a small glimpse into the road that led me to become a pastor.

While attending my "home church" at the age of 7, the pastor brought in a puppet ministry that really brought the saving message of Christ down to a level that I could understand. When the invitation was given, I went forward to receive Christ in my heart. I knew He was with me, and wanted to serve Him in whatever capacity He needed me to. This led to my mom, seeing that I had a knack for music, giving me a shot at directing the choir when I was 14. God and I were at odds during my adolescent years. I had the "Sunday Christian" thing down pat. On Sunday morning, I was the model picture of saintly goodness in my burgundy satin choir robe, but the rest of the week was filled with worldly things.

In 1998 at the age of 20, I had hit rock bottom. Luckily for me (and all of us!) God never gives up. He moved me to Manhattan KS, where I attended Manhattan Christian College. It was there that I met my wife, Lora, and was asked to help start a church in Salina KS. Through starting that church, God began a transformation in my life that is still affecting me today. I had formed a band during this time, and we were 6 months from getting a record deal when God tore the rug out from underneath me. The "Rock Star" image was one that had been a dream of mine for many years, but it wasn't what He wanted from me. The facade of selflessness was covering the true selfish nature within, and I still had to learn that.

In 2000, I moved back home, and began working with a band in Topeka. This band was full of young guys that were seemingly on fire for Christ, and it was a great place to heal from the wounds left over from the Manhattan band. We had record labels sniffing at us as well, and God once again tore it apart. The facade had some cracks, but was still intact for the most part.

As I mentioned earlier, God never gives up. He has helped me realize that, if I don't allow the facade to crumble, then I don't allow His work to fully continue. If I don't pull the walls between myself and others down, then there's no connection... no way to lead, or be followed. I had always used music as a way to hide my faults, instead of as a way to glorify the One who makes me strong where I am weakest. It turned me into a fraud, and was a detriment to everyone around me. He put people and events in my life to bring me to a place of complete surrender and brokenness. He is my very breath now, and my soul goal in life is to help lead others to that point of total surrender to Him, so that His grace, mercy, and peace can flow through those cracks in our lives, and make us whole again.

I hope you are encouraged by this look into what God has done in my life. I hope you see that God never gives up on us, no matter what we do or where we go. I hope you'll take one more step toward Him today, and if you fall, you'll remember that God is your safety net.

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